We spent last night in a town about 200kms from Hyderabad called Raichur. Off all the guide books we found probably the nicest hotel we have so far stayed in.
Raj and Agata booked themselves into the Presidential Suite for the princely sum of 1,800 rupees which is about 23 pounds. I went for the basic single room which cost me 250 rupees or about 3 pounds. Quite the bargain. I even had hot water in the morning, even if I had to pour it over my head from a bucket.
Tonight we arrived in Hyderabad where I am staying in more standard Indian hotel accomodation. About the same price as last night it would still probably be closed down by environmental inspectors in the UK!
Raj and Agata disappeared off to try and find a more typical 5 star hotel. If they have a swimming pool I will be mightily upset otherwise I am happy with my 3 quid a night accomodation…
Henry has I believe a small bout of food poisoning and their rickshaw broke down quite some way from here. With a view to catching us up they have stuck their rickshaw on a train and have taken an overnight 17 hour train ride. They will arrive on the eastern coast tomorrow morning.