This is a terrible blog post. If you read it I thank you, but it is desperately dull. And I have a splitting headache! I am hopeful that I will come back and make it better. For now it is what it is, 500 words to keep up with my daily challenge to myself. Remember earlier how I wrote about the fact that this blog was for me. Well this post is part of the commitment I made to myself to post a blog post every day. Sadly I didn’t commit to writing a good blog post every day – nor necessarily do I think I would be capable of writing one every day.
Everyone is always harping on about the advantages of waking up early. So today I woke up ridiculously early. 5.15… of all horrendous times. It used to be when I liked to go to bed! Although I am getting better at it.
I went to sleep at 12.45 last night, so not a great nights sleep and as you probably know sleep is important! If not you can read the blog post I wrote about it earlier.
So why did I wake up at such a ridiculous hour? Well I wanted to go running with the local runners club here in Trujillo.
And it was lovely. The run started from one of two points, so I walked to the one closest to my home and ran from there to where the main run started from. What I like about running with other people is that I tend to run a little bit faster than I would do normally when I am just running for exercise.
So I finished the run, chatted with the other runners for a while and had the obligatory photo shoot. Here you can see a photo of us all at the end.
I then took a taxi home and stopped at the supermarket to buy a grapefruit, some mushrooms and tomatoes. Before getting on with my normal morning routine. How is that for blogging about something really boring and mundane. I also got more and more irritated because the queue in the supermarket was ridiculous. Still like a good Englishman I queued patiently, remembering that complaining is draining. Finally I was home some 4 hours after leaving the house. Which was ridiculous considering the fact I had only been running for an hour and a half!
Anyway I then got through most of my morning plans until it came time to write this blog post. By that stage I was so tired I had to go and take a nap. It turned into rather a long sleep, before I woke up had a late lunch and came to write this post.
It is one of my weakest blog posts so far, which is a little disappointing. Though I suppose we are all allowed off days. I still find it hard to believe that this post marks the three week-a-versary of writing a blog post every day.
Anyway I suppose the very long winded conclusion here is that if you are going to wake up early and I do recommend it is to
- Have a good nights sleep the night before
- Use the time wisely.
When I have woken early in the past I find it hugely satisfying as I often get a lot done before most people have woken up. I had hoped that would be the case today. Sadly it wasn’t.
Time taken to write 25 minutes
From start to finish: 1 hour
Out of 10: 3