Just outside Almaty poor old Molly is in need of major surgery once again!
We have found a master mechanic and now we are waiting for Monday morning when we hope he can start work on the chassis.
It has been quite an eventful few days and I hope to provide a more in depth update when I am next at a computer. I fear this may well be in Ulan Batoor where we are hoping to arrive in about 7 days.
If we get a chance before then we will of course provide a more indepth update.
Only just caught oyur website. Well done guys go for it. Mongolia is THE ultimate place to go in the world. Would also suggest that you buy a bottle or three of Tabasco sauce as this, although adding picquance to a meal, also and handily totally transforms an inedible pile of fat, bone and beetles and sticks etc into one that you can eat. Believe me I’ve been there.
Don’t tread on any ones toes without apologising afterwards – the Mongolians take great offence at this.
Also the women in UB are georgeous or some of them at least so be very careful as many are ‘on the game’ too.
Well I am amazed Molly made it to Mongolia and that you are both, or were, still .. OK. Congratulations. Hope Steven managed to flog the old girl for a decent price.
Look forward to the next update