Category: popular

Favourite Chat GPT

So this is the thing. I am journaling, but I am not being very methodical. I am sure that I should be writing more what I am doing, where I am doing it and what is going on in my mind. At the moment, I am just bSo I want to try...

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I missed a day

I had such good intentions. Today Journaling was going to be the first thing I did. Instead it is the last. My excuses are feeble. To make things worse yesterday I didnt write anything at all. Stil at least today I kind of went...

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New experiences

I nearly didn´t write todays post, but remembered just in time. I spent this evening recording video voice overs for an awards ceremony in China. Not something I thought I would ever do, but it was interesting. Apart from...

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Sunday Blues

Whilst I love much about living in Peru, sometimes I get frustrated. At the moment this is mostly because both of my parents are ill… and I am a long way away and I am not sure there is all that much I can really do. Part...

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At the beach

I have lived in Lima for almost seven years, and today I think is one of only a handful of times I have been to the beach. I don’t know why because it’s lovely. I rented an umbrella and a deck chair and sat on the...

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The nature of procrastination

What is it that makes someone procrastinate? Damned if I know, but I do know that I procrastinate. I would love to hear your thoughts on what causes us to procrastinate. I am trying to stop, but it is easier said than done. I...

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Another day gone

I almost missed my journal entry today! With all my good intentions, somehow it got pushed to the very last minute. It’s currently 11:24 pm, and I’ve had an incredibly busy day. I started my day by collecting a fan,...

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The problem with Journaling

The real issue with journaling is when you don’t really have much to say, so you put your pen to paper or in my case fingers to keyboard and you just write. And then you are not sure what you will come out with. This I...

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Valentine’s Day or Friends day

Here in Peru we celebrate Valentine’s day as a day for friends and friendship. I can’t help but think this is a much nicer day than a day for lovers. Although perhaps I say that as someone who has spent much of their...

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