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Favourite Chat GPT

So this is the thing. I am journaling, but I am not being very methodical. I am sure that I should be writing more what I am doing, where I am doing it and what is going on in my mind. At the moment, I am just bSo I want to try...

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I missed a day

I had such good intentions. Today Journaling was going to be the first thing I did. Instead it is the last. My excuses are feeble. To make things worse yesterday I didnt write anything at all. Stil at least today I kind of went...

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New experiences

I nearly didn´t write todays post, but remembered just in time. I spent this evening recording video voice overs for an awards ceremony in China. Not something I thought I would ever do, but it was interesting. Apart from...

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Sunday Blues

Whilst I love much about living in Peru, sometimes I get frustrated. At the moment this is mostly because both of my parents are ill… and I am a long way away and I am not sure there is all that much I can really do. Part...

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At the beach

I have lived in Lima for almost seven years, and today I think is one of only a handful of times I have been to the beach. I don’t know why because it’s lovely. I rented an umbrella and a deck chair and sat on the...

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The nature of procrastination

What is it that makes someone procrastinate? Damned if I know, but I do know that I procrastinate. I would love to hear your thoughts on what causes us to procrastinate. I am trying to stop, but it is easier said than done. I...

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