Pinterest is a hugely powerful social media site. One of the major flaws is that it is easy for your images to get shared and lose the attribution back to you.
We just created a plugin that has just gone on sale as a special offer on the Warrior Forum which does the following:
- Ultimate Image Security – Adds a Watermark to your Images so no matter how often it gets shared people will always know it comes from you
- A Viral Hover Image – Adds a hover to your pictures when their mouse goes over the image, encouraging people to share your content on Pinterest
- Pinterest Interest Enhanceer – Adds a Small Pinterest Icon reminding people that they should virally share your images
- Adds an optional follow option for Pinterest
- Ridiculously Simple to Use – Sets up and Installs in just 5 minutes, so even my least technical clients can use it
To give you an example just hover over this rather lovely image of a Spitfire below and you will see how it works!
If you want to buy Pintermark, then you can visit the sales page by clicking on the link! The sales page is currently being rewritten!
[viralbait_content giftID=”2354″ loadtime=”click” revealtime=”vb_rev_btn” ][/viralbait_content]
I don’t need long sales letter from you, any product bearing the name ” Justin Wheeler” will be sufficient to cause my credit card to jump out of my pocket!
Thanks very much. You say the nicest things! We certainly strive to offer enormous value in what we are selling. Glad you agree!
Justin, what’s the name of the plugin you use here to print the social media buttons including ‘Pin It’
Hi Gary,
That is my viral bait plugin ( Its a pretty special plugin even if I say so myself and has some nice features built in! Its also available at a discounted price currently as an upsell to Pintermark! 🙂
Let me know if you need anything else,