We have all heard of the idea of verbal diarrhea – where someone just can’t seem to stop talking and they go on and on…

Well today’s blog post is going to be about writing diarrhea and I am just going to keep writing. I am aiming to go for 10 minutes and I have a little timer beside me.

This is an exercise I suppose in improving my writing and was suggested by Christine Frazier who is one of the organisers of my 31 day write and run challenge/commitment – the other being her I believe brother, who is known as the no-meat athlete – because you guessed it, he is a vegan.

I am a very long way indeed from being a vegan… I suppose you could call me a chegan – whilst I sometimes think the idea of eating purely vegan may be a goodish thing if only for a “detox” I don’t think i a) have the willpower and b) have the taste buds to enjoy it sufficiently. Don’t get me wrong, I love my vegetables – but I also love my eggs and my beef and chicken… so I am a chegan – a vegan who cheats, in my case quite a lot!

And that takes me to the end of my first minute – this writing diarrhea thing is harder than I thought it might be! Maybe it is time to get Dragon Naturally speaking upgraded and then I can have the verbal variation instead and my typing hand wouldn’t be hurting so much!

So where does that take me? I am working out now a lot so I am pretty miffed that my right hand which seems to bear the brunt of the Justin Wheeler variation of touch typing occurs seems to be feeling tired… I should have strong arm muscles with all those squats and presses and rows I am doing in the gym – but it appears not.

On the subject of exercise I yesterday signed up for the Lima Marathon… It’s really quite exciting. I started running in September of 2013 weighing in excess of 250 lbs and I now weigh around 200 lbs and when I first started I was smoking rather a lot of the very inexpensive Peruvian cigarettes.

Now 15 months later I feel confident that I can run for 42KMs or 21.6 miles and unlike the famous Greek runner who’s name I pathetically can’t remember (answers in the comments please) who died after running from or was it to Marathon to announce the victory, I think that all being well I will survive it in fine fettle.


And we are now 6 minutes into this. I don’t seem to have stopped typing for more than a moment or two and I am already according to the nifty wordpress wordcount in the bottom left of my screen at some 466 words… Quite impressive really considering the fact that when I go to write a blog post typically I spend a good 3-4 hours over writing it – not of course that I expect you would notice if you read it…

I am a long way from being a James Altucher or a Chris Brogan or a Patt Flynn when it comes to the eloquence of my writing.

And that I think brings me to a pretty good conclusion for this post.

  • Firstly writing what comes to mind can be a good exercise – hopefully this will be readable.
  • Secondly this is day 8 of my commitment to write a blog post every day for 31 days – now if I keep this up for the full month and better yet continue on for a year by the end of that time I will not only have written enough blog posts to fill a couple of books if I so choose, but more importantly the consistency will have attracted an audience I hope of maybe more than just my mother but also the quality of my writing will have improved.
  • And thirdly and this is the last one because we are now at the 10 minute mark if you are stuck for something to write about then, just as I mentioned in yesterdays post – start writing. Overcoming writers block starts with just one sentence… and who knows:

You may be surprised at what you come out with!

Thanks for reading – let me know what you think in the comments below!