I almost missed my journal entry today! With all my good intentions, somehow it got pushed to the very last minute. It’s currently 11:24 pm, and I’ve had an incredibly busy day.

I started my day by collecting a fan, and from there, I spent most of the day being productive at work, including taking a bit of a leap and hiring a graphic designer on a trial basis. I then finished another client website, which I am pleased about, although it took longer out of my afternoon that I wanted, so didn’t leave me as much time to journal as I would have liked..

I finished the day buying wood to build a desk for the office, At 4 meters long, it should do a good job! I then went out to dinner with my friend James from Singapore who I met plating tennis He and his brother both always beat me, but at least I get some tips out of them!

Despite my busy day, I had to postpone today’s run until tomorrow because I simply ran out of time. It’s only going to be a short hill repeats session, so I don’t feel too bad, and I will do it when I wake up in the morning.

I’m doing some proper journal type things on here, like tracking my weight and my steps every day. Today’s weight was 100.8, which was disappointing. I’m well within my calorie goal, but my weight seems to have hit a temporary plateau. If things don’t start tshifto shift soon, I’ll probably go see a nutritionist to help me get things rolling again.

Thanks for reading my journal entry, and I apologize if it wasn’t the most exciting read. I’m hoping tomorrow will be a better day!