So everyone talks about this idea of the bucket list… and it is a tremendous idea really to make a list of all the things you want to do before you die.
Although to be honest I don’t really like thinking about death in any shape or form. It’s just a really rather depressing idea and as I am now in my mid 40’s the chances are I am around 50% of the way through my life. and time just starts to get faster and faster… or so it seems.
Anyway I don’t want to talk about my bucket list really, but just briefly I will mention a few of the things that are on my bucket list:
- A parachute jump
- To Abseil from a helicopter
- To go on Safari
- To dive the great barrier reef
- To drive a motorbike from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego
- To drive from London to Cape Town
- To have my pilots license and my helicopter license
What I thought would be more interesting perhaps is to talk about the things in life I never want to do.
And I think the most important of these is to not worry. I came across this fantastic flowchart earlier today via an article on Lifehacker which in turn found it from this blog.Lifehacker which in turn found it from this blog.
So the number one thing on my Not to do Bucket List is to Not Worry…
And then it is a question of deciding what else not to do.
Apparently Helen Keller had this to say about danger: “Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold.”
To be honest I really like the idea of myself as being a gung-ho kind of person – the sort who will try anything once… It’s not sadly, or perhaps quite sensibly, 100% true, there are a few things I will never do.
None the less below are a few of the things I don’t think I would ever want to do.
I’m not going to make too long a list here, but anything that is just absurdly dangerous I am unlikely to do. Some things that I will almost certainly never do include Base Jumping, Free Solo Climbing (ie climbing with no harnesses or safety equipment) and a few others.
Finally, I will finish off with some words from my brother, who I admire enormously – although please don’t tell him I said that! Anyway in an interview he was talking about his success and one of the things he mentioned was the fact that whilst lots of people have to-do lists he has a not to do list.
The theory here being that it is all to easy to say yes to people when they ask you to do things, and I know that I often find myself in that position. And so I think the final thing I ought to add to my not to do list is that I don’t say yes to everything – just almost everything! 😉
And so I think the final thing I ought to add to my not to do list is that I don’t say yes to everything – just almost everything! 😉
What is on your not to do list? Or for that matter your bucket list… I would love to know. Please feel free to leave a comment below.