I nearly didn´t write todays post, but remembered just in time. I spent this evening recording video voice overs for an awards ceremony in China. Not something I thought I would ever do, but it was interesting. Apart from anything else, it was fascinating reading some of the blurbs about some of the schools. For anyone in doubt that China is not going to be a major power, what is going on with education there makes me beg to differ.

It was especially interesting because I find myself getting increasingly fascinated with education. Here in Peru, I think one of the biggest problems facing the country is the lousy standard of state education, And it is something I am in early talks about trying to organise something which might make a difference.

In other rather depressing news we have a carer living with my parents to help look after them and make life a little easier for them both, but the carer had a medical emergency, possibly a stroke and my poor sister had to wait about 10 hours for the ambulance to come and take him away. The second ambulance in the past few days to my parents house. The other one taking my father to the hospital. It turns out he has pneumonia for the second time this year and he may also need to have brain surgery as he seems to have some swelling there from an earlier fall.

As far as my numbers go, yesterday my steps were 8474, and my weight this morning was 103.3. I have had a poor day for steps today and didnt do too brilliantly on my diet, so I need to start clamping down on it a bit more over the next few days.